Site evaluation checklist

Note: some of the questions in this list apply to the site in general, some apply from the point of view of different groups of users. Because the audience groups you identified for your site will vary, groups are listed here as 1, 2, 3, and 4: obviously some sites may need more or fewer group columns.

 [All] [1] [2] [3] [4]


Is sufficient content provided for this group? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

If the group will want additional (not provided) content, is it linked? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Is the page organised logically? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Will the organisation be understandable by all groups? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Can the organisation cope with change (e.g. new content)? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Navigation: location

Is clear location information provided? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Does the location information convey full location? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is the location information simple enough for users to understand? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Navigation: controls

Are consistent primary navigation controls on each inner page? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Has the number of controls been kept to a minimum? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Do secondary controls provide shortcuts to commonly-used areas? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Do all controls provide enough information about their destination? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Can each user find the content they need, quickly and easily? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Is all text concise? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Are long articles structured (e.g. with subheadings)? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Do long articles include an abstract? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Are hyperlinks included wherever users might want them? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Has the text been proofread by somebody with good English skills? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Graphic design: fonts and text layout

Were the chosen fonts appropriate for the content (or neutral)? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is all type large enough to be easily readable? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Are text lines short enough to be easily readable (up to 10 words)? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is line spacing sufficient? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Graphic design: colour

Is the colour scheme appropriate to the content (or neutral)? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is main text easy to read? (Usually, black on white or similar) [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Graphic design: images

Do any images fit in with the content and style of the site? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Do they match the colour scheme reasonably? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Graphic design: consistency

Is the use of fonts, headings etc. consistent? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is the use of colours consistent? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is the overall layout consistent between pages? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is the spacing consistent? (e.g. gaps between sections) [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Other usability concerns

Are pages small and fast to load? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Has the site been tested, considering each group? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Does it avoid user inconvenience (e.g. plug-ins) where possible? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Is the site clear to use, rather than needing to be "learnt"? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Is it, as far as possible, accessible for people with disabilities? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Functionality checking

Does page work in the latest version of Netscape? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

In the latest version of Internet Explorer? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

With Javascript turned off? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

In a text-only browser such as Lynx? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)


Does the page achieve the goals you had for it? [ ] (-) (-) (-) (-)

Does it achieve the goals users will have for it? (-) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

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